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Outsourced Controllership

Outsourced Controllership

Our firm specializes in providing Outsourced Controllership services based on international standards

For whom are the controllership services intended?

The controllership services are intended for small and medium sized companies whose level of operations do not justify employing a controller in a full-time position.

What is included in the controllership services?

The controllership services include all the activities carried out by a controller or financial manager employed in a full time position:

  • Supervision of the accounting.
  • Preparation of financial statements and internal management reports with the Company's management.
  • Planning, managing and supervising the Company's cash flows.
  • Working with banks.
  • Preparing, managing and supervising the Company's budget.
  • Costing of products, profitability analyses and feasibility studies.
  • Current work and support for the Company's management in the financial field.
  • Working with the Company's auditors.
  • Working with government ministries - VAT, income tax, national insurance, chief scientist, investment center.

What do we offer?

We offer a controller in a part-time position, exactly according to the Company's size, considering the following factors:

  • Level of the Company's operations
  • The Company's needs and targets
  • The Company's budget